Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Memories of Father / FIL

Today is the 9th anniversary of FIL passing away. It is always brings grief that such great souls left - may be a couple of years more could have made some difference.

Father, who was a strict disciplinarian as for as food was concerned - had liver problems - undetected though some signs emerged but could not be detected early on. It was a shock when KGP's letter was received in Semarang - as i pondered over the reason for fixing Gun's marriage early. It turned out he had a few month's to live but they did not tell me the reason - any way the pain and suffering ended in 1998 - I could spend some time with him - still remember the doctor in Mallya Hospital tell him - dont worry Mr Vembu - you are doing fine - keep the tight dietary control and he telling me of his condition.

Bhoomi's father, though from the military did not have any signs of the heart problems - his trip to Indonesia was memorable - i watched the video of the trip couple of weeks back and memories came flooding. His sitting next to me in the car and saying "Babu. you drive - i will not sleep and later the snoring sounds in the co-captain's seat!" he could climb the borobudur steps - may be he was feeling the breathlessness but he tried. It was shocking when we received the news in Pinus 8 about his condition. Bhoomi reached the place and we followed

Anyway, they guide us from their heavenly bode and shower their blessings. Hope the blessings will help kumar and gacchu in their fight to take care of manan and abhi..

Day of recknoning always comes..

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