Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Bringing up kids

While i was a kid used to wonder why my mom used to be so concerned and say her purpose in life was to get us, 4 children, educated, settled in life - and then she would be relieved of her responsibilities. She is a wonderful woman - how can i forget her constant motivation, follow up, strategy to make me focussed - carrot and stick, a wonderful doctor - who could get me up and running despite running a high fever in just hours - concocting the wonder kashayam!

Yesterday, was at dinner in friend's place - his daughter is off to Hong Kong for her university education. Memories of the not too distant past - getting shruthi into NUS - the tensions, constant worries, taunts, motivation and at the end of it sense of fulfillment and pride my little cute daughter could get into world famous university - her dream, her choice - came flashing by.

Now i can say my mom's worries were not unfounded. Indian society, parenting demands middle class families try to excel in their academics, get a decent education, settle down in life and then the whole cycle starts again!

Not to mention, the next one coming into the slot in couple of months - needs to be motivated! He can do it - but why am i so worried?

Jakarta has been a great place to bring up the family. Closeness, togetherness, sharing each other's joys and happiness, built a strong bonding among family members. Though away from home - relatives did affect the overall bringing up - the constant interaction has been plus point. Did it result in the kids not being street smart? Definitely no! but may be they do not have the characteristics of jealously, cut throat competition etc.,

Bhoomi has been their constant companion. from day 1 when shrutz n ash have gone to school she has tagged along. Wonderful motivator, constant support and a sense of assuredness that she is there to take care! May be i have not bothered much - but need to play my role at times

The new generation kids have higher IQ better personalities and ambitions than the earlier one. But advent of FB, internet have been their playground - instead of the real grounds.

Overall, lets hope bhoomi and me can say - we brought up our children and fullfilled our obligations well one day - and then retire!

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